

This blog is for those starting locs or considering them! Follow me on my loc journey. It should get interesting...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Updates Galore!

Oh, Blog, how I've missed you! It's been far too long. So much has changed and my life has taken so many dramatic turns since my last post. Let me update you in list form:

  1. I no longer have locs! This is probably one of the biggest changes in terms of this blog which was originally about my loc journey. At a week shy of a year with my locs, I combed them out. I loved them very much, don't get me wrong. They were wonderful, and I learned so much during my time with locs. In the end, I missed everything about my loose hair. Locs are certainly as versatile as loose hair, but I missed brushing my hair and combing it and EVERYTHING! I guess locs were too low-maintenance for me, as weird as that is. Anyway, I'll make a separate post eventually on combing out my locs because that is a story all it's own.
  2. I graduated from college! Yup, I know have a Bachelor of Arts! (Technically, even though I still haven't received my physical degree.) I received my B.A. in Gender and Women's Studies. I will certainly miss my Alma Mater and everything about it. I will miss my roomies and college friends. My undergraduate years are years that I will remember fondly and tell my children and grandchildren about.
  3. Luckily, my college experience isn't completely over because I'm going to graduate school! I'm super happy about moving on to the next level of education. I am the first person in my immediate family to have a B.A. so going on to get an M.A. is a huge accomplishment. I will be continuing to study Women's Studies.
  4. I'm moving to Atlanta! My grad school of choice is in Atlanta, GA, and I'm super excited to be moving away from Maryland. I will be the first person in my family to be moving away as well. (I'm a trailblazer!) I have a little studio condo that I can't wait to make my own.
Clearly, a lot has happened since we last talked. I'm super excited about my move (which is 5 days away) and the beginning of grad school (which is 12 days away). Based on all of these changes, the theme of the blog will definitely change. I was going to abandon it after the locs said goodbye, but with all of the changes going on in my life, I feel the need to blog! The only thing I need now is a new name! If you have any suggestions on a new name for my blog, let me know! 

Talk to you soon...

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